Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I'm going to PodCamp! Are you?

podcamp Boston

Monday, August 21, 2006

Brevity Counts

Jim and I have had a few mantras since starting 15SecondPitch in 2002. One of our favorites is: BREVITY COUNTS. Proof of that comes today as Jim got his Letter to the Editor published in The New York Times.
What's wrong with this picture?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Power of the 15SecondPitch--Part 1

powered by ODEO

Small Biz Survival: Blogging: How to position yourself as an expert

Small Biz Survival: Blogging: How to position yourself as an expert by Becky McCray
Becky writes a great blog about Small Biz Survival. I particulary like this post about positioning yourself as an expert. That's something I spend a lot of time talking about with my clients. Most of them are not comfortable with the title of "expert" however, most of them have enough knowledge, even if it is in just one area, to be able to pull it off. Great post and great website! I'll be adding a podcast about pitching to their site soon.